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사모펀드 인터내셔널, 2024년 영향력 있는 여성으로 로즈 바자니 선정

Why Venture Capital Journal picked Ros as one of the most impactful women in private markets.


벤처 투표

Voting with Venture: Tech Founders are Prioritizing Purpose and ESG Integration


소외된 창업자로서 벤처 캐피탈을 확보하는 방법

There is growing recognition that diverse founders and diverse teams generate more innovative solutions, ultimately building stronger businesses in the long run. Read Antler in the UK portfolio director Sarah Finegan's recent article in Startups Magazine, offering 10 tips on securing venture capital as an underrepresented founder.


여성에 대한 투자: 빠른 진척도

Making progress a certainty—our north star goal at Antler—can’t happen if driven and visionary people aren’t firing at all cylinders with the support they need to tackle the pressing problems of our time. We’re marking International Women’s Day by asking women founders and team members in Antler’s global community why women are essential to progress.


스타트업과 업계 리더를 연결하여 목적 지향적 혁신 추진

As Jeff Bezos once said: “What’s dangerous is to not evolve.” While most business leaders understand that stagnation is fatal, for a host of reasons established companies often struggle to innovate—purposefully and powerfully.

Antler’s Business Development and Collaborations Group helps global corporates drive innovation excellence through high value-generating collaborations with Antler’s 1,000+ (and growing) global startup portfolio. In our collaboration with Investa, a leading Australian real estate investment manager and developer, we are connecting them to our global community of founders and the cutting-edge solutions they are building.

Read more about the powerful outcomes that happen when ambitious startups and industry leaders come together.


벤처 캐피털의 지속 가능성 형성

Antler's third annual ESG and Impact Report discusses our commitment to sustainability as a strategic principle that's fundamental to the success of our firm, our portfolio companies, and broader society.


투자 초석으로서의 대표성

TC Høiseth spoke to Adrian Murdoch about why diversity and inclusion is important for founding teams. Visit Campden FB, Insights for Family Businesses and Family Offices, for the full article.


앤틀러에게 형평성 포용이 중요한 이유

At Antler, we believe anyone with enough determination and grit can build a great business. But we also know the startup ecosystem’s playing field is far from level. This International Women’s Day, we spoke with five women leaders at Antler about why embracing equity matters so much to our work, and what advice they have to be more inclusive in our everyday work and lives.


투자자가 더 다양한 창업자를 지원하기 위해 취할 수 있는 5가지 단계

Despite growing calls to create a more inclusive venture capital ecosystem and remove the barriers to entrepreneurship, only a fraction of funding is raised by founders from underrepresented communities.

The first step towards change is quantifying the challenge. While in-depth research has been conducted about women founders and founders from ethnic minority backgrounds, data has never existed about tech founders from the LGBTQ+ community—until now.


여성 창업자를 지원하기 위해 Antler와 Microsoft가 협력하여 스타트업을 위한 파트너십 체결

Antler is proud to join forces with Microsoft for Startups to support rising entrepreneurs—starting with 23 non-dilutive grants to women founders in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and North America—and reduce the barriers to startup success. Meet some of these founders.


긍정적인 변화의 엔진으로서의 벤처 캐피탈

Antler's second annual ESG and Impact Report shares learnings on how VCs can focus on creating sustainable value from the outset, and celebrates our portfolio companies' work in this space.


뜨거워지고 있습니다: 기후 기술의 영향력과 수익에 대해 배운 4가지 사실

Investors and startups are increasingly making money and driving positive change at the same time, unwilling to make a trade-off. How are they achieving both? While IPO valuations and revenue multiples for VC-backed companies in Europe dropped significantly this year, investment in climate tech is growing faster than any other sector in the region. Energy prices and policy (e.g., the Inflation Reduction Act in the US) alongside changing consumer behaviors have increased pressure for innovators to accelerate the energy transition.

To learn more about how investors and entrepreneurs are striking a balance between impact and profit in climate tech, Antler Amsterdam recently hosted a panel discussion with four experts—Hampus Jakobsson, General Partner at Pale Blue Dot; Lukky Ahmed, CEO of Climate X; Melina Sanchez, Principal & VP Impact at AENU, and David Oudsandji, CEO and founder of Voltfang.


더 앤틀러 쿼터리: 축구 스카우트가 VC에게 리스크 관리에 대해 가르쳐줄 수 있는 것은 무엇인가요?

Football scouts search all corners of the world to find exceptionally talented individuals. They look for skill, vision, mental strength, and character, which you could argue are similar to what VCs look for in entrepreneurs.


자기 제한적 신념의 편견을 깨고 인생에서 승리한 앤틀러의 여성 6명

Believing in our unlimited potential is one of the most powerful mindsets that one can possess to own our impact and ultimately win in life. It all begins with reframing limits and scarcity as opportunities for growth. At Antler, we invest in people by enlarging their capacity to not just be competent founders but also rise up as great leaders. In honour of International Women’s Day, we asked female founders at Antler and Antler team members how they overcame challenges to live out their true potential.

We hope you’ll find these stories as inspiring as we do!


더 앤틀러 분기별: ESG, 임팩트 및 VC

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Antler Quarterly. This report explores the impact, risk, sustainability, and opportunity within the global VC industry.


앤틀러 쿼터리를 소개합니다: 글로벌 벤처캐피탈 업계의 영향력, 리스크, 지속가능성, 기회를 탐구하는 콘텐츠 시리즈입니다.

This new quarterly series leverages the insights of Antler’s Global leadership team to uncover real impact, explore sustainable measures, and identify future opportunities across the sector for investors and entrepreneurs.


목적과 원칙을 일치시켜 직장 내 다양성을 높이는 방법

Since 2017, Antler has created a distinct culture in the way it operates based on nine guiding principles. Women represent 42% of Antler's leadership team (including Partners, Associate Partners, and Directors), and we have over 30 nationalities represented in our 12 locations globally. Every Antler team member has a clear and easily identifiable strength --- the synergy of these diverse mindsets works really well together. Read about how we are striving to build this unique culture and how we apply it to thinking of diversity as a layered and multi-dimensional concept.


VC가 ESG 및 책임 투자에 대해 알아야 할 사항과 Antler에서 이를 수행하는 방법

Due to the growing interest in responsible investment and therefore from VCs, the industry will need to become familiar with the concept of ESG. ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance which are a set of criteria used to measure an investment’s sustainability and societal impact.

Here at Antler, we are on a mission to fundamentally improve the world by enabling the world's most exceptional people to build the sector-defining companies of tomorrow. Here is our take on ESG from the VC perspective.


출시 및 리드: Antler 포트폴리오의 여성 공동 창업자 중 78%가 비즈니스의 CEO이기도 합니다.

Woman who participate in Antler’s program significantly increase their chance of leading their own company.


여성 기업가 정신 패널의 소감

Started my day in the company of great women, moderating a female entrepreneurship panel, jointly hosted by Antler and Ladies Investment Club (L.I.C.). The esteemed panellists included some amazing female founders and women in business including Grace Clapham, TEDx Speaker, Co-Founder of The Change School; Joanna Wong, Founder in Antler's inaugural cohort, CEO of All Woman Co.; Prerna Sharma, Antler's Director of Talent Acquisition; and Tanya Rolfe, Founder of L.I.C. and Head of Corporate Sales at Gifts Less Ordinary.


의미 있는 파트너십을 구축하는 방법

Nobody operates in isolation, especially when you’re building a company. It’s a challenging journey that you’re not going to accomplish if you try to go it alone. Learn the fundamentals to approach effective partnerships.


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